Fine, fine. I'll follow the crowd, though I must admit to being mildly suprised . . . . I guess this explains why Not Too Pensive, Katherine, and I can't agree in an argument. But we'd make a great joke: A capitalist, a socialist, and a totalitarian walk into a blog . . . .
I guess I shouldn't be that surprised, since my group in Honors 201 decided that Christ would be totalitarian dictator. (Long story.)
You are a Social Conservative (26% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (38% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
It's particularly interesting to see not so much which side you and Katherine landed on - that's more or less to be expected - but how far away from "center" most are.
While this quiz is entirely unscientific, I wonder if this is part of the "political science effect", which seems to push people strongly to the center. The more time I spend in this major, the less difference I see in people - the more we push to the center. Odd.
Yes, I've wondered about this a lot. It seems as people become more genuinely educated, they tend to be less extreme (with notable exceptions). It's part of my circle theory. :D
Apparently I'm 36% Social Conservative and 38% Economic Liberal which means that I'm Centrist-exactly like I say I am. Hooray. Oh-and your new picture is beeeeutiful.
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